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Word List

ate did do eat give go lit ran rewritten ride run sleep spent spoken swing swung threw took understand was win won wore

1Will I wear this dress today? I ___ it yesterday. (4)
2He ___ the ball to me so I will throw it back to him. (5)
6I never slept well last night. Can I have a ___ now? (5)
8If I had (win) the money, I would have bought a new car. (3)
9He ___ the money yesterday. I saw him take it. (4)
10I told him not to ___ on the rope, but he swung on it and fell. (5)
13I thought I could run faster than him, but he ___ a lot faster than me. (3)
14Everything had been eaten. There was nothing left to ___ . (3)
15Can you ___ me when I speak English? My teacher understood me yesterday. (10)
19"Has your uncle gone back home yet?" "No, he will ___ today." (2)
20"Have you done the housework?" "No, but I will ___ it now." (2)


1I have been coming to this

class for three years. I ___ top of the class last year. (3)
3"Have you ___ your assignment?" "Yes, I rewrote it last night." (9)
4He hasn't won a race yet. Why do you think he will ___ today? (3)
5"Will your friend speak at the meeting tonight?" "He has already ___." (6)
7I have ___ most of the candles. Will you light this one. (3)
10I told her not to spend her money on jewellery, but she ___ the lot. (5)
11I gave you some money
yesterday, I can't ___ you more today. (4)
12I knew he was going to swing on the rope because he ___ on it yesterday. (5)
13I rode a horse yesterday. Can you ___ a horse? (4)
16I told him not to ___, but he ran across the road and got hit. (3)
17I ___ a salad for lunch. What are you going to eat? (3)
18"Have you done your homework?" "Yes, I ___ it last night." (3)

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